
Blogging Tips by Me

Creating a Signature in Hotmail

In Hotmail, click on Options and then select Personal Email Signature.  Type in the Signature you want displayed at the end of your email message and click on Save (see below).  From personal experience, if it does not pick it up at the first attempt, go through the whole process again and click on Save. It will work!

Creating a link to your POST, not to your Blog (this is exactly the same as if you were entering your card into a Challenge)

You’re just Published your Post onto your Blog. Do you see your post ? Now LOOK IN THE BROWSER. This is just your Blog Address. You want the person who is coming to visit to view your POST. So this is what you do...

Click on the Header of your recently published Post. Right, you’ve done it. Now look in your Browser. Can you see that it has picked up your blog AND the post header. That is what you copy and paste in your message, for all to view your Post and card without having to browse through your whole Blog to find it. Easy!

How to add PNG signatures to your files
You click on the Download heading just beneath the signature.  At the bottom of your screen you’ll receive a comment asking if you want to open the file or save it.  Click on Save and select Save As.  Do not change the name or extension. Perhaps create a New Folder named Signatures and save it there. It will save it in the perfect format for you.   
When you open your image (photograph that you wish to place your watermark signature on), you go to Insert Picture and find your Signature Folder and select the Signature you’ve just saved.  It will place it on your image and you can resize as you wish.



I would love to hear if you have found these tips useful and if you would like some more  Blogging Tips.  If you have a query, let me know and I'll do my best to assist.

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