
19 January 2011

R.I.P Tammy... we'll never forget you!

Dear friends... it is with a very huge lump in my throat and tears in my eyes that I write this post, but this is the least that our Tammy deserves.  For those who have been following me for a while now, you would probably have seen this picture of her somewhere on my blog during this time.

Sadly and so quickly, our darling maltese poodle, Tammy, passed away earlier this evening.  Perhaps I am biaised, but I think this is fault of all doggie owners... we think our pets are beautiful.  We used to get so many compliments about her good looks, it was unbelievable!  Not only a beauty to look at, but a wonderful nature as well.  We A-D-O-R-E-D her, she was like our child.  I swear she could understand everything we said... we often laughed and said that all she must do is open her mouth and talk, now wouldn't that be something!  She loved it when people came to visit and would jump and greet them as if she hadn't seen them for ages.  We used to laugh and say "now calm down Tammy...", as she got so excited.

A lot of people call maltese poodles "yapping dogs", that may be the case, but Tammy was an excellent watchdog... she could smell trouble a mile away...  She somehow knew when we were coming to visit as my Mom would often say "she heard you coming before you even got here", as she'd always be at the door when we pulled into the driveway, ready to greet us with a lick, a happy little dance and a yap!  Oh Tammy, my heart is absolutely broken... we are going to miss you so very much!

I'll never forget how Kendall used to dress you up in the most weird outfits when she was younger and you never, ever complained... you just sat there, like a little doll, allowing her to dress you up in these ridiculous outfits, sunglasses and all... just so that we could have a laugh!  You will forever be in our hearts and we just feel so blessed as a family to have had you in our lives, even though it was only for 11 years.  You brought such a lot of love and laughter with you. 

My Mother is heartbroken and devastated, as are we all, because as a housewife she spent most of her time with Tammy and nursed her through this very short illness... which started just before Christmas 2010.  She will miss her the most.  Thanks Mom for the wonderful care you took to ensure that Tammy was so well looked after and loved, especially this past week.  Little did we know that it would end this way!

Rest In Peace dear Tammy... at least there is no more pain, which was so unbearable for us to see... thank you so much for the happy times, we'll never ever forget you!

TAMMY KEANLY ~ 26.11.1999 - 19.01.2011

With love from your very heartbroken human family xoxoxoxox

[Edit] Thank you to my dear friend Deidre who brought these beautiful Tulips for me, to work today (20 January). They really made my day.  Also for the special jewellery bookmark given in memory of dear Tammy.  Thank you also to all my dear blog friends for your wonderful messages of love and support... much appreciated.  hugs Sharon xx


Patty Sue 2 said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Our fur children are a very important part of our families and hearts. We lost a beloved dog this last summer and we still miss her. We are grateful for all the love and joy she brought to our family. Blessings to you and yours.

jimlynn said...

Oh Sharon, I'm so sorry to hear this. I know you have so many wonderful memories though.
Sending hugs your way....

Unknown said...

The Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet
goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special
friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water
and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals that had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor.
Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we
remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy
and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special
to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops
and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body
quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green
grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet,
you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy
kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and
you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from
your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Unknown said...

Luv you, Hugz

celia said...

Ow Sharon wat erg, het zal een groot gemis voor jullie zijn!Maar weet dat we aan je denken!!!!
Heel veel liefs,Celia.

Moz said...

Dear Shaz and family,
May you always remember you Tammy with love and a smile on your face. Be sure that she has gone ahead to prepare a special spot for you to meet again. My love and prayers are with you all at this very sad time.
many hugz

jenny said...

Oh Sharon, so sorry to hear this, I'm thinking of you and sending hugs xx

Jenny x

Sharron said...

Oh, Sharon, how very sad! I am so sorry for your loss and (with five furkids of our own) know how they become a part of the family. Thankfully you will have many joyful and funny memories that will be with your family forever and always remind of your time with Tammy. HUGS!!

Gabbi said...

Sharon I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure Tammy had a wonderful life and was so loved. You are in my prayers.

Tab said...

Oh hun, I am so very sorry to hear this sad news about Tammy. I feel your pain as it was only a few months ago I lost my beloved Labrador Billy and we miss him so much. These furbabies bring so much joy to our lives and when they go it it's heart breaking. Your sweet Tammy was a real beauty, hun, and you gave her a wonderful life.

You take card, hun and I am sending you lots of hugs!
Tab xxx

The Crafty Goat Girl said...

Dear Sharon, am soooo sorry for your loss. I do feel so much for you dear friend. Our pets are like our children and we just have to remember the love and good times we spent with them. I still miss my Chloe & Thomas,my dear cats that have been gone now for four and six years. They are all skipping together now. Take care and sending you lots of love and hugs Heidi xx

Rene Sharp said...

I am so sorry my friend!! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you lots of love and a big ((((hug)))) xx

ursula Uphof said...

Sorry to hear your news Sharon. She will love in your memories for many years. Sending you loving wishes and hugs.

Trina said...

So sorry to hear about your baby, Sharon. Sending super hugs to your side of the world...

Debbie Harris said...

So sorry to hear the very sad news about the loss of your furry child. Lots of love, cyberhugs and special prayers coming your way! xxx

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

Dear Sharon as an owner of 2 toy poodles I know your heart must be breaking. These little dogs of ours are like children and a very big part of our lives.
Mine are just 10 and I hope they have many more years left.
Although you will miss Tammy so much , be happy that you gave her a wonderful life and she gave your family so much love and good memories.
Blessing to you all. janex

Always with a Sentiment said...

Hiya Sharon. This is only short as I will email you a little later. You are in my thoughts, and I am so, so sorry about your sad loss.
Love you lots, Sandra xxx

Catherine said...

Oh Sweetie... I don't know what to say... I am crying as I am typing those words, as a pet owner I know exactly what you feel and my heart bleeds for you... Tammy had a life full of love and attention, you have made a delicious little dog happy and I have no doubt that she is waiting for you, somewhere, ready to welcome you with a big lick and a jump... You are in my prayers Sharon... Sending you lots of hugs and love. Catherine

Dena said...

Oh Sharon! I can imagine how you feel! I love my sweet Rambo just like that and feel the same way about "I know he knows what we are saying". They become such a great part of our lives! So very sorry for your loss sweetie!
Hugs, Dena

RosesMarijke said...

Ooooo Sharon ...wat erg dat je hondje er niet meer is...ik zit hier ook een beetje mee te tranen...ik kan het me zo goed voorstellen wat een verdriet dit brengt!!
ik wens jullie heel veel sterkte en ik denk aan jullie hoor!

veel zoentjies van Marijke

Renkata said...

Dear Sharon I am so sorry for your lost!
But the memories of her will be always with you.
She is just like my Topsy puddel, ohhh he was just like her.
He past away few years ago, but for me he is still alive and sometime I just feel him in the room .....
Big hug's

Nina Macaulay said...

Dear sharon,
How very very sad you must all be,
I read your post and had to go get some kleenex myself.
I can only hope that your pain will get better with time, and its lovley that you have so many happy memories, of your beautiful dog.
How sad :O(
Lots of hugs to you and your family.

Love Nina x

Pryn said...

Sharon I am thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. Sending hugs and prayers to you sweet friend!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for the lost of Tammy, Sharon. It is always hard to say goodbye to one's best friend.
Thinking of you,
Amelia x

Charms said...

Hi Sharon, Deepest Sympathy at the loss of Tammy. I can only imagine the pain you must be feeling, and the loss your mother is going through. But at least you have very fond memories of her, and the knowledge that she is with family in Heaven. Love, Charmain

Crealin said...

Oh lieve Sharon,

ik ben zo gepakt door je berichtje, dit is verschrikkelijk hard om mee te maken. Ik wens jou en je familie heel veel sterkte toe.
Tammy zal voor altijd in jullie mooie herinneringen blijven verder leven.

Dikke zoen en heel veel knuffels,

Lins xxx

Maureen Merritt said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear Tammy!!!
I saw that Colleen mentioned The Rainbow Bridge. That seemed to bring my Mom peace when we said goodbye to our 17 year old friend "Ernie".
Lots of hugs to you!

The Wired Angel said...

Oh, Sharon.. I am so sorry to hear this.. how sad. They are like our babies, aren't they? We had five Maltese' at one time when the kids were little.. what a darling breed. So smart and cuddly. Remember all those great times with her. Sending hugs, Peggy