
02 May 2011

End of the holidays and my attempts at C&S

Oh dearie me... what a wonderful rest I've had these past 10 days... such a pity that it has to come to an end... uhhh, anyone know when the next Public Holidays are ???  LOL

I was asked to make a few Clean & Simple cards for a colleague and you know me... clean & simple and I just don't gel that well !!!  I told a friend of mine that I wasn't going to showcase these, but here I am, bearing my soul to the whole of blogland by showing you my feeble attempt at C&S... LOL  You must admit, clean and simpler you just will not find anywhere else... LOL  [Be kind now people, be kind !]... OK, here goes...

Hmmm, doesn't look too bad, now for set no. 2
hmmm, now for set no. 3
And finally, set no. 4
NO stamps, NO colouring tools and NO embellies other than left-over paper which we all have in our baskets, from other cards that we've made.  I was sorely tempted to get out ribbon and brads and pearls and did cheat twice by using small pieces of ribbon on two of the cards, but I was determined not to use anything else... shew!  Thank goodness this exercise is over with. You see Sandra, I made it after all !!!

I've been leaving comments on the Totally Gorjuss entries that have already come in and everyone has risen to the challenge beautifully.  Well done!

Wishing you all a good week ahead, hugs Sharon x


Always with a Sentiment said...

Hello Sharon. I am so proud of you my friend, and after putting this task off all this time, they have turned out brilliant, what was all the fuss about, hahaha. Happy crafting my friend.
Lots of love, Sandra xxx

jimlynn said...

You're way too hard on yourself! I think they're just fantastic!! Love all the different patterned paper you used too. Just great.

Anonymous said...

The CAS cards are great. Wonderful way to get rid of all the small pieces of paper. You did a fantastic job!
Amelia X

dolcreations said...

I must say I AM a fan of plain and simple! I think you did a gorgeous job on all of them...they are so pretty! You would pay an absolute fortune for these here!

debby4000 said...

Love your gorgeous cards Sharon.

Unknown said...

Sharon you did an awesome job with CAS!! Each time I attempt it...I cave big time with the ribbon and embellishments! You give me hope I might accomplish this too!! LOL NOT! I'll send my orders to you my friend!

cabio's craft corner said...

Wow you've been busy Sharon. But all these cards are delightful. Cute textures and simply gorgeous :-)

Ribbon Girl said...

Sharon your clean an simple cards are very elegant! I always put too much of everything on my cards, a bit like my garden, if there is a patch of soil I have to fill it with a plant!! Mary G England x

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

me too, can't do clean and simple, but who cares, pretty and girly suits me and also you. your cards are always fab and these are too.
Did the lady like them?

RosesMarijke said...

Hello my friend!

Wat een supermooie kaarten heb je weer gemaakt Sharon!
Ik vind ze allemaal geweldig hoor!
En wat een heeeeeerlijke muffins heeft Kendall gemaakt....mmmmm....
Hier begint de zomer pas maar het is al heel mooi weer maar wel erg droog en we moeten zelfs al de tuin sproeien.
Heel veel liefs groetjes en kusjes ook voor Kendall!xxxx

Lori said...

Wow looks like you've been a busy bee, way to get so many cards done, love each and every one of them!