
19 March 2013


Follow my blog with Bloglovin

As you know I am on leave of absence. Just saw a lot of bloggers writing about Bloglovin'.  As I don't want to miss out and miss seeing YOUR blog again, have decided to jump onto the bandwagon. Have imported all the blogs I follow...easy peasy.  When I go into Dashboard I don't see Bloglovin' only Google Reader. Help! What do I still need to do?

Hoping to be back soon. The big MOVE takes place this Saturday. I am tired of living with boxes stacked around me.  My new home is looking fab. Hoping to get the keys to it on Wednesday evening. Thursday is a public holiday in SA, so will start moving stuff over then already and then I am on leave until 1April.  Should be enough time to settle in.

I see I have gained 2 new followers. Welcome!  I'll be sure to visit you soon.

Take care dear friends.

Hugs Sharon x


ursula Uphof said...

Good luck exciting. Hope your move goes well and you settle in soon. hugs, Ursula

Sharon said...

Hi Sharon.
You need to sign in to Bloglovin which I presume you have done if you have imported your followers. you then need to click on My Account in top right hand corner and scroll to My Blog.
It will ask you to claim your blog. Click on that and an HTML code will appear which you need to input into a new post in boggler. Just as you would if you were writing a normal post. You then need to place the bloglovin icon, Which can also be found in the My Account section, on your site so that people can click it to follow you.
Hope this helps.
I have joined if you would like to follow me and I will be sure to follow you also.
Hugs Sharon x

Catherine said...

Hi Sharon ! So nice to hear from you ! You must be so excited - and tired - but it's all worth it ! How is your little furry princess ? Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

Debbie Harris said...

Hope your move went well and that you are settling in nicely and enjoying your new home! Hugs